The world of fishing lures is very subjective… although there are always some top lures in certain circumstances. In this series of posts, I will include the best fishing lures for Extremadura, adapted to each reservoir. Besides there are so many factors on which our choice should depend: time of the year, weather conditions, water conditions, lake where we are, the area of the reservoir where we are… Even in the same day there can be a suitable lure for each time of the day, we can catch fish with 5 or 6 totally different lures in the same day. And here is the charm of fishing, if there were good or bad lures, and of course there are, we would all buy the best ones and that’s it.
In this section I’m going to talk about types of lures: jerkbaits, crankbaits, vinyl worms… then each one who decides which model or brand he likes the most. I hope you have the best possible results for sport fishing in Extremadura.
We often get carried away with “brandism” and forget that the choice of the type of lure is often the key…
Top 10 lures
In each post in this section I will talk about the 4 lures that have worked best for me in each reservoir. However, here I am going to mention the 10 lures that have worked best for me when fishing for predators in general Extremadura.
1. Walker
Essential lure always, but even more since the arrival of the bleak. We have 2 types of walkers (also called stickbaits), some noisier and others more discreet that we can use in different circumstances. The bigger models will serve us to provoke the pike and big black bass bites. The smaller sizes are especially interesting for barbels and medium sized black bass.
2. Jerkbait
Fundamental lure in prespawn for black bass, pike and zander. There are 3 types: floating, sinking and suspending and we will alternate them according to the attitude of the fish. We can use it all year round, in bigger sizes in prespawn and more measured sizes in postspawn with black bass, pike and zander. When the barbels are aggressive, the small sizes between 7 and 10 cm work really well.
3. Crankbait
Off-road lure that can be used all year round with all predators. It is a very versatile lure and depending on the length of the blade it can go down from the most superficial layers up to 6 or 7 meters. Very useful when we want to “sweep” the shore and we don’t have very clear where the fish are. Besides, its versatility allows us to catch several species with it in the same day.
4. Swimbait
Selective lure that we will use mainly to look for record size black bass or for pike when they are near the shore. We can use moderate sizes (between 13 and 18 cm) but also really big swimbaits (between 20 and 30 cm). It all depends on the attitude of the fish and it is never too much to try them out, as they may have some surprises in store for us.
5. Spinner bait, fishing lures for Extremadura
Another all-terrain lure that we can use at any time of the year, especially on windy days to locate fish. When the fish are active, we can retrieve it halfway through, but when they are not very busy, a slow rolling retrieve close to the bottom can give bites when other lures do not. It will work mainly with black bass, pike and zander.
6. Chatter bait
Lure similar to the spinnerbait that will allow us to cover a lot of water and very fast and that can be deadly when the fish are active. Like the spinner we can use it with all the predators, including the barbel. It has a different action from the spinner, emitting very strong vibrations and going deeper faster than the spinner bait.
7. Hollow frogs, fishing lures for Extremadura
This lure is also usually selective and will allow us to move large fish, or cast where others could not work in tangled areas. We will mainly use them with black bass, although in areas of algae or vegetation we can also use them with pike. Its great strength is that we can introduce it in areas with a lot of coverage avoiding to a great extent the hooks.
8. Jig
Fundamental lure in reservoirs with abundance of crawfish, very versatile and that we will be able to use at very different depths. There are lead and tungsten ones, the latter being denser, going deeper earlier and offering a more discreet profile. We can use it to “sweep” the bottom with football type heads or to penetrate the cover with sharper “pitching type” heads.
9. Shad or pikie
In large sizes a main lure for fishing pike and large black bass. We can use it with multiple rigs, from an unleaded rig to fish practically on the surface to with 30 or 40 gram leaded heads. In more moderate sizes it will work very well with barbels and zander, and we can also use it all year round.
10. Vinyls, fishing lures for Extremadura
Crawfish, tubes, worms, creatures… There is an infinity of vinyl, each one of them adapted to different situations. Nowadays it is essential to take vinyls in our outings, to be able to deal with apathetic or very pressed fish. There are countless montages: unleaded texas, leaded texas, split shot, drop shot, shakey head, neko rig… And almost all of them are necessary under certain conditions.
Fishing lures for Extremadura… Miracles doesn’t exist!

The reality is that there are no better or worse lures, but there are lures better or worse adapted to each moment, time, place… In this menu I will talk about the lures that work best, in very general lines for each reservoir, writing posts periodically. Of course, always based on personal experiences, both mine and my fishing partners, of which we can consider top lures. I hope you don’t blame me when you do “zero”… It happens to me very often!😂😂😂

And I repeat again, not because I put in a post that in Alcántara they bite with “pikie” or in Orellana with “walker” are always going to be the best options, far from it… I simply want to give some basic notions of where to start to those who have not had the opportunity to fish in a particular lake. And perhaps also encourage you to try lures that you would not have tried in any reservoir… I hope you find it interesting!
Good fishing!