Top lures for Zújar

Zújar lake, although he is very close to Orellana, he has significant differences. Its level tends to be fairly stable as well, but with more changes in level. On the other hand, its waters tend to be slightly more turbid at certain times of the year. Although my experience in this reservoir is limited, here I share the best lures for Zújar, based on my days in this reservoir.

Pikies, lures for Zújar

Baitfish abound in this reservoir, although the recent arrival of zander is already beginning to be noticed. Even so, there are quite a few shoals of minnows: bleak, carp, barbel, carps, small catfish… So we can use different options as far as colours are concerned. For me there are 2 options that have worked well: big weightless pikies or small pikies with jig heads.

Small shad with a blade, lures for Zújar
Sometimes a blade on the hook can make the difference.

Pikies will be effective for both black bass and pike, even barbel and catfish occasionally. We can fish in all layers of water, this is a “strange” reservoir where there are fish both on the bank and suspended in the middle of nothing. Of course there are also times when fishing deep and close to the bottom is the best option, so the range of possibilities is really big. If you don’t find fish along the banks, try looking for schools of minnows with the sounder and fish with pikies near them, you’ll probably get some surprises!

Topwater, lures for Zújar

Topwater lures
Propellers makes the difference in windy days

The Zújar is a reservoir where topwater has worked quite well for me, mainly in summer and autumn. Mainly walkers, but also propellers have given me good results, especially on days with air and rain.

In addition to black bass, barbel at certain times of the year will also attack this type of lure fiercely. As I said above, I haven’t spent too many days on this lake, but I have had surface bites on almost all of them, so I encourage you to give it a try.

Big Swimbaits

Natural Swimbait, lures for Zújar
Natural colour swimbait

Although the black bass are not caught as big as in other nearby reservoirs, there is a good density of big, long fish with big mouths. The swimbait will therefore be a good option if we want to go for the really big fish. In addition to black bass, both pike and barbel can surprise us.

Swimbaits, lures for Zújar
Somedays even barbel attack big swimbaits

Imitations of any of the aforementioned species of bait fish will be valid, leaving the nuances to each person’s choice. Keep in mind that this is not a reservoir with as much fishing pressure as others in the area, so making long casts will not be so important. In my case I usually use a 20lb fluorocarbon, but there are those who fish with braid or co-polymer with equally good results.

Spinnerbaits, lures for Zújar

Spinnerbait double colorado
Double Colorado spinnerbait, ideal for fishing on the banks

Maybe it’s because most of the days I’ve visited this reservoir it’s been windy, but the spinner has worked for me almost every time I’ve been there. Especially at times when the water wasn’t too clear, I’ve generated quite a few bites for both black bass and pike with it.

5 pounder
With slightly murky water, spinnerbait always pays off

There are multiple options in terms of blade shapes, sizes, trailers… Several posts could be created, just talking about this lure and its variants. However, a half-ounce spinner with a tandem (willow and colorado blade) could be something versatile to start with. If the water is very cloudy the mythical chatreuse white, if the fish are eating crawfish black red, and for most situations shad type colours would be the most appropriate.


Top lures for Peña del Águila

This small reservoir located to the north of the city of Badajoz does not stand out for having a great density of fish nor for having huge fish… But we can have entertaining days as far as medium sized fish are concerned and from time to time the surprise jumps out. Here are the best lures for Peña del Águila, that have given me results with both barbels and black bass, which have been my goals as many times as I have gone.

Hard jerkbait
Black Bass Villar del Rey
Black bass in a small jerkbait

For a few years now, the population of bleak has been very interesting, so a hard jerkbait can work under many circumstances. As it is a reservoir where medium sized black bass are abundant (between 500 and 1500 grams), I usually use sizes between 9 and 11 cm. Sometimes I even go down to 7cm, especially if we are in late spring and the fry of this size are abundant.

señuelos para Peña del Aguila

In addition, the use of moderate sizes will help us to make the barbels attack with more confidence. In this reservoir we can catch barbels with artificial lures at almost any time of the year and it is a really fun fishing. The waters are usually moderately clear, although not crystalline, so I usually use natural colours, but without the need to take it to extremes. Imitations of bleak, black bass or sunfish will always be a safe bet… And taking into account that it is a reservoir with moderate slopes, the suspending or even slightly sinking models are the ones that have worked best for me.

Crankbait, lures for Peña del Águila

señuelos para Peña del AguilaAs in the previous case, this is a lure that will work for both black bass and barbels. Even with zander in those months when they are closer to the shore… The reservoir alternates areas with slight slopes with other more pronounced ones. It is in these areas with steeper slopes where we usually find rocks on the bottom where the crankbait will give us better results.

Iberian barbel
This barbel smoked a small crankbait

As far as depth is concerned, depending on the time of year, I usually alternate between squarebills that barely go down 1 metre and other mid-water crankbaits that go down 3 or 4 metres. Deeper crankbaits can also work, but taking into account the average size of black bass and that barbels do not have very large mouths, I usually opt for more measured sizes. When it comes to looking for the deeper fish I prefer to use other techniques. We can use a wide range of colours, from red when the fish are feeding on crawfish to colours more similar to the bleak. Yellowish colours also work well due to the large amount of carp and crucian carp that populate the reservoir.

Vinyl worm

señuelos para Peña del Aguila

The worm is a basic in those reservoirs with a high density of medium-sized fish. We can use it with multiple rigs and in a wide range of depths, from the shore to 10 or 12 metres. Both in spring weightless for sightfishing and in summer or autumn to fish with a drop shot rig is when I have had better results. In certain areas fish have quite a lot of pressure, as there is a large percentage of the reservoir with difficult access… For this reason we must finesse our presentations, especially when we fish for sight fishing.

When we use the drop shot, we will normally also find fish under pressure, as there are not so many areas in which we can disembark the float tube… I use a 6lbs line, 8lbs at the most and research in areas that you want to fish with the electronics. Worms of 3 or 4″ at most and here we can use multiple options. Any colour that resembles the fry the fish are eating will work. We can use bright colours such as red or blue when the water is a bit rough with good results.

Piki, lures for Peña del Águila
Iberian barbel villar del rey
This barbel was suspended underneath a shoal of bleak

Considering the enormous amount of bleak that inhabit the reservoir, we could not finish without mentioning the piki or vinyl shad. Both in continuous retrieve scraping the bottom, as well as unleaded fishing the shore or the bleak balls, and fishing fish suspended between the balls themselves.

If we go in the summer months, most of the bites will be of barbel. However, from time to time you can also catch a good bass. Generally, natural colors that mimic the bleak itself will be the best option, but if the water is murky we can also use more flashy colors. In general I usually use moderate sizes and play with the weight depending on the aggressiveness of the fish. If they are aggressive, heavier jigheads to reach the hot zone sooner, if they are more difficult or there is no wind, we will almost always have to lower the weight.

Sierra Brava’s top lures

He has had better and worse years, but Sierra Brava lake has been,is and will be one of the mythical reservoirs for black bass fishing in our country. I’ve fished it a handful of times, and although I don’t know it in micro-detail, I think I can speak about it with some knowledge… I am going to share with you the lures for Sierra Brava that have worked best for me, in case it helps you.

Hard jerkbait

black bass Sierra Brava
Bonito black bass otoñal que no dudó en atacar al jerk

The reservoir is full of oaks, yes, and it might seem to us that the best lure is going to be the one we can use to fish into these oaks… But the fish are not always in them! If I had to go to Sierra Brava with just one lure, this would be the hard jerkbait. The fish are very focused on feeding on bleak, and although of course they also eat crawfish, bleak is the most important part of their diet.

The main “mistake” that I think most of us who have gone to Sierra Brava for the first time will have made is to cast one after another at all the oaks we see within our reach. There are days when the fishes are placed in the holm oaks, yes, but it does not happen every day, nor are all the holm oaks suitable for the fishes to be placed in. Fishing with a jerkbait in the areas that we consider to be the most desirable for that moment, is something that has almost always given me results.

señuelos para Sierra Brava

Sometimes we will fish very close to the oaks, in which case I like to use floating jerkbaits, to immediately interrupt the retrieve when I feel contact with the tree. Other times we will fish for large beaches without apparently much cover, here I usually use suspended jerkbaits that can cause the bites in their stops. Finally, we can also fish deeper areas, in which a slow sinking jerkbait can give us that extra depth we need to make the strike. Colours and sizes to suit the consumer and depending on the time of year.

Spinnerbait, lures for Sierra Brava

señuelos para Sierra BravaThis lure has worked especially well for me with pike, although I’ve also taken some good-sized bass with it. 95% of the time it worked when the water surface was curled by the wind. Also when the water was a bit murky or there was some current. It is a lure with which we can beat a lot of water, which in Sierra Brava is usually fundamental. As we can only fish Sierra Brava from the shore, many times the difference between success and failure is in covering more shore. I’ve had quite a few days of 1 or 2 fish all day… Of course, with some “bolo”, but in times when the catches were always of good quality.

In terms of size, I usually choose compact spinners, which are less likely to stay on the ground and which can be launched without problems. If we focus on pike: half an ounce or even 3/4 will work well, with the steel strong enough to withstand several bites. As far as colour is concerned, I have almost always used white colours with a touch of grey, green or even chartreuse with murky water. However red colours when the fish are feeding on crawfish will also be a good choice.

Vinyl shad

lucio Sierra Brava
This pike attacked a vinyl shad weightless

Large vinyl swimbaits are really effective in reservoirs where there is an abundance of shad and a good density of large predators. In this case, both for pike, zander and big black bass, the vinyl swimbait is one of the main lures on my trips.

swimbaits blandos o pikis

Because the banks are not too steep, I normally use them without lead or with very little lead. The rigging will depend on whether we are close to the holm  oaks or not. If we are, a large single hook with the point as little exposed as possible is ideal. If we fish more open areas with hardly any wood, we can use treble hooks to gain in effectiveness. Finally, as far as colour is concerned, I always use natural colours, although white is also very effective, especially in cold water. If we go to the reservoir after a big flood, more solid colours will help the fish to find our lure better.

Vinyl craw

cangrejos de viniloEven though the bleak today forms part of the diet of predators in a greater percentage than the crawfish, we cannot forget about the vinyl craw. Whether rigged on a jig, Texas or even the Carolina rig with heavy weights about an ounce or more to throw it really far, vinyl craws will give us bites on many occasions. It is important that we cover the tip of the hook with the vinyl, to lose as little as possible in the oaks. And not only that, we will also save valuable fishing time trying to unhook them.

lunker Sierra Brava
Beautiful summer black bass

When we go to Sierra Brava, we usually go in search of big fish. For this reason I usually use large craws, which are an appetizing mouthful. The waters become murky with the spring floods, especially in the tails, so in these cases I usually use quite solid colours. As for the model, it will depend a lot on whether we are fishing on the bottom, or if we are pitching between the oaks. In general, I usually use realistic models or at least models that do not emit too many vibrations. The fish are very pressed and I prefer vinyl with the most natural movements possible.

Vinyl tubes, lures for Sierra Brava

señuelos para Sierra BravaWhile it’s not usually a “headline” lure for me, I never go to Sierra Brava without a couple of blister packs of vinyl tubes in my backpack. If we get one of those days when the fish are in the oaks right, a vinyl tube can be deadly. Here I usually use insert leads, because many times it is important to reach several meters more to reach the trees that are really far from the shore.

Of course the tip of the hook should be inserted into the vinyl and when setting the hook we will have to “pull” the fish out of the tree. If we give it a little margin, it will become entangled in the tree and we will have lost the catch. Both to cast far away and to take them out of the trees it is important to have long and powerful rods. Some even use spinning rods with braided lines… But for me what is really important is to detect what kind of trees the fish are in and why. Sometimes they are not even in trees but they also eat the vinyl tube better than other lures…

Good luck if you go to this reservoir and above all, a lot of patience. You may have been fishing for 6, 7 or 8 hours without a bite… But when you go home having taken a lunker out of Sierra Brava, everything else will have been worth it.

Proserpina’s top lures

During the 18 months that I worked in the city of Merida, I was able to spend a lot of time in Proserpina lake, also known as “la charca” by the locals. It is a reservoir in which I was able to catch hundreds of black bass and a good handful of pike, it’s amazing the amount of fish for its size. It also allowed me to learn a lot about the behaviour of the fish, as I was able to catch many of them sightfishing… Below I show you the Proserpina lures that worked best for me.

Vinyl worm
Black bass
This nice female bit a vinyl worm weightless

The Proserpina reservoir is characterised by its fairly clear water and is surrounded by a path from which we will have the opportunity to see the fish very often. It is a reservoir that lends itself well to sight fishing, mainly for black bass. Practically at any time of the year and, what better way to take advantage of this fishing than with unleaded worms. The average size of the fish is around half a kilo, however it is not uncommon to catch fish weighing over a kilo and it is not very unusual to catch fish weighing over 2.

lures for Proserpina

Finesse rod, 6 lbs direct line or leader, mosquito hook or 1/0 maximum and an unleaded worm. After many days spent there, almost always one of my equipments was this one of my regular teams, and I rarely let them down. Normally the fish were better off taking small 4″ or even 3″ worms and the colour changed depending on the food. Sometimes I saw the basses as kamikazes, throwing themselves at the dragonflies, in this case imitating the colour of the dragonflies. Other times I saw them more apathetic and opted for more natural colours. Sometimes worms symmetrical in a waky rig, other smaller worms “with tail” and a hook of 1/0 or mosquito at one end… It’s all a question of trying and seeing what kind of presentation the fish like best that day.

Vinyl tube, lures for Proserpina

lures for ProserpinaAt those times when the reservoir is practically full, there is quite a lot of plant cover (fallen trees, reeds, bushes) that is submerged at just the right depth. At these times, fish often hide in this cover to hunt, even the largest black bass and also pike. In these cases, a vinyl tube is usually an irresistible mouthful that can bring us great joy.

In this reservoir the main prey are crawfish, frogs, large invertebrates and small fry, both black bass and pike. I usually use colours that imitate some of these animals, although sometimes the bite is triggered by simple aggression and we can use more striking colours. Watermelon, pumpkin, reds, greys… even black, all these colours have given me good results, each one in its own time. Once again, when fishing in shallow water I prefer to cast them without a lead, so the models with more salt and density will be the ones we manage best.


lures for ProserpinaProserpina is a reservoir of large beaches. But in almost all of them there is some kind of cover, whether in the form of rocks, algae, wood… Practically the whole reservoir is a big beach so the jerkbait is a lure that we cannot forget at home. Of course spring is the best time but autumn too, and we can even have catches with it in summer or winter.

Both pike and black bass can be caught with this lure, as there will always be a percentage of fish more or less close to the shore. We have already talked about the species of prey we have in the reservoir so, as the Americans would say “Match the hatch”. Any imitation of small black bass, sunfish or pike will work perfectly. Cannibalism in this reservoir is very common, as there are not a lot of bait fish…

Vinyl shad, lures for Proserpina

lures for ProserpinaIn the warmer summer months and colder winter months, the bulk of the black bass and pike population is away from the shore, at least for most of the day. This is the time to get in with the float tube, kayak or pontoon and search the bottom for active fish. I can’t think of any better lures for Proserpina to make it than the vinyl shad so here go the little nuances.

If we go for pikes, I like to use “pikies” of considerable size: 5″, 6″ or even more. Sometimes we will find them suspended but most of the pike I have had stuck to the bottom. Looking for changes in depth with the echo sounder and scratching it is usually a great option. When I try to fish for bass, I usually look for them a little shallower than pike. In the end, each species finds its comfort zone and although we can fish both species in the same spot, they tend to look for different areas.

I hope you find these tips useful if you fish here sometime, and don’t forget, catch and release always. Good fishing!

Horno Tejero’s top lures

Horno Tejero and El Boquerón lakes are one of the few remaining in the community where there is still no bleak. This fact will logically condition our way of fishing and therefore the lures for Horno Tejero that we should use. Although there is no bleak, the density of crawfish and sunfish is really good. So we can still catch a few pike or a big black bass around here.

I’ve been fishing these reservoirs for several years now and although I’ve had several “0 fish” days, I’ve also had very fun days. Below I share with you the lures that have worked best for me, both for black bass and pike.

Vinyl tube

señuelos para Horno TejeroAs with other reservoirs, if I could only bring one lure to Horno Tejero it would be the vinyl tube. Fish are “fed up” with eating crawfish, and many times they will take a vinyl that falls slowly to the bottom better than a crawin a jig or with a Texas rig. As the shores have very little slope, it is essential to cast as far as possible so the denser and saltier models will be the most recommended.

As for the colours, I have found that watermelon, pumpkin and orange have worked particularly well. However, any model that imitates the colour of crawfish at all times is a safe bet. We can rig the tube with an insertable lead, but I prefer to rig it weightless, because even if we put very little weight, the fall will not be as natural. In this reservoir of generally crystalline waters, the fish know Latin and we must refine a lot in the presentations.

Hard jerkbait

señuelos para Horno TejeroDespite being a reservoir with no bleak, the jerkbaits have worked very well for me, especially in spring, with both bass and pike. With pike, we can have days with multiple catches, both in pre-spawn and post-spawn periods. Once again, casting far away is fundamental, so the “big” models that are casted better are the ones that have given me the best results.

Sometimes in spring the water is muddied by the floods and at this time I usually use brighter colours, although as a rule natural colours will be a better option. I usually use suspending models to be able to make more or less long stops depending on the behaviour of the fish.

Hard swimbait

Swimbaits durosAs in most situations, we will use these lures for Horno Tejero when we go in search of big fish, especially if we go in search of black bass. Pikes at certain times eat them quite well and we can also enjoy with it days of several catches of medium size. The fact that it is a reservoir with such a slight slope will make it much easier for us to use it.

In terms of sizes and colours, “to the consumer’s taste”. Bearing in mind that in addition to black bass, pike and sunfish in the reservoir there is also carp and some tench, any imitation of these fish can work well for us. Normally I recommend using it on days with wind, as it is a reservoir with such clear waters, on “plate” days the fish will often pursue the lure without actually taking it.

Spinnerbait and chatterbait

señuelos para Horno Tejero

These two lures for Horno Tejero have given me very good results, especially with pike, although I have also been able to get some bass. It’s probably a coincidence, but the chatter has worked better for me in Boquerón and the spinner in Horno Tejero. Once again they are lures that are cast well and far and with them we can cover a lot of water in relatively little time.

Regarding the spinner, it may be a personal obsession but I usually use white colours. If the water is murky I usually go with a chartreuse touch and if the water is clear perhaps with some grey or dark green. Half an ounce is the size I preffer to use, as with heavier spinners we would quickly hook on the bottom and with lighter spinners we would not be able to make equally long casts. As the theory says, it has worked better on windy days but when we don’t find the fish, it is always a lure to be considered.

Summer black bass
black bass in a chatterbait with a crawfish trailer

The chatter has given me good results even on days without wind. I don’t know what this lure has, I suppose it’s the vibrations it emits, but pikes love it. As with the spinner, I find the half ounce the most versatile measure. As for colours, I prefer pumpkin, brown, watermelon… Although brighter colours such as purple, red or chartreuse also work very well on certain days. A slow retrieve just above the bottom is what has given me the best results.


Top lures Almaraz

Almaraz lake is characterised by its high density of fish, especially of black bass and we can fish there practically all year round. I have fished it mainly in winter, so I am going to choose the lures for Almaraz that have worked best for me at this time of year, especially if we are looking for nice fish.


lures for Almaraz

If I had to go to Almaraz with just one lure, that would be the jig. Generally crawfish are very dark and quite red there, so the colours in this line usually work well. However, as the waters are always quite murky, high contrast colours such as PB&J or black & blue usually work well too. When the fishing pressure rises we can also vary towards more natural colours such as brown, pumpkin and their variants…

Black bass
Black bass capturado in a jig.

As for the size of the jig, half an ounce is usually the most versatile. Sometimes we can use 3/8 but only if we fish the edges of the covers. If the fish are well placed in the cattails, half an ounce is the minimum we should use if we want to access without problems the “heavy cover” areas. Flipping heads will always be more suitable for reducing hooking.

And finally, as far as the type of trailer is concerned, I usually use large craws to select a little bit the size of the catches. On days with a lot of wind, crabs that emit a lot of vibrations and on quieter days more “realistic” crabs.

Vinyl worms

lures for Almaraz

When the fish are far away from the shore, which is more often the case in the “cold” zone, the vinyl worm has given me very good results. Usually heavy rigs, like carolina or heavy shakey to be able to throw really far, to reach the position of the fish.

In these cases, and mainly focused on this area where there is usually current, we will use large worms and usually emit some vibration. Worms like “ultravibe”, “cut tail”, “u tail” or similar type of tails are the ones that have worked best for me. Dark colours that make a good contrast with the murky water are usually the best option, although sometimes we can also pull a chartreuse touch.


lures for Almaraz

Frogs are never going to be the most productive lures for Almaraz, but they will probably give us the best fish. We can use vinyl frogs, hard frogs, or hollow rubber frogs which have given me the best results. Mainly because we can cast them practically in the middle of the covers with hardly any hooks.

As far as colours are concerned, dark colours at sunrise and sunset are the ones that have given me great results. In the middle of the day, natural brown or green colours with a whitish or yellow belly are usually my choice. It is very important that the cast is accurate and as close as possible to the coverage, as that is where the frog makes the difference. If we are casting into open water, a stickbait will probably give us a much higher catch/bites ratio. It is also important to let the fish eat and not to rush to set the hook.

Vinyl jerkbaits

lures for Almaraz

Those days when fish are found hunting in the vicinity of the cattail line and in which they take better presentations without lead, will be the days for these lures. Normally the fish are found more at the bottom eating crawfish, or stuck in the cattails where we cannot fish with this kind of lures. However, on the days when they are wandering around the line of cattails we can have a real festival with these lures for Almaraz.

black bass Almaraz
Big bass in a soft jerkbait

Their erratic movements and the fact that they fall slowly to the bottom are 2 factors that can give us excellent results. I must also say that these conditions do not occur very often, but carrying a couple of packages of vinyl jerkbaits is never too much just in case. Normally 5″ is ideal (if we go down to 4 we will get a lot of small fish) and the colour is not excessively important, for me at least it hasn’t been. In recent years the population of bleak has increased so any bleak imitation will work well for us. On the other hand, white or even black colours, especially in low light conditions, have also worked well for me.

Cíjara’s top lures

It’s not a secret that Cíjara lake is not at his best… I think I’m not exaggerating if I say that it was one of the best reservoirs in Spain for predator fishing, if not the best in its golden age. Even so, it is a reservoir that is slowly recovering and in which we can still enjoy good journeys, even if only sporadically. I haven’t fished too much in Cíjara, a little more than a dozen times, but he was almost always good to me… Here are the lures for Cijara that have worked best for me.

Jig, lures for Cíjara
Lures for Cíjara
2 kind of jigs

Cijara is a reservoir that has always had plenty of crawfish so the jig has always worked well. After the decline in the bleak populations, the crawfish has once again become a key part of the predator’s diet. With jigs we can catch black bass as well as pike, zander or even barbel.

As it is a reservoir where stone structures dominate, we can use all types of jigs. Football if we want to fish with long stops on the bottom in areas with few hooks. With a flat triangular head if we want to hook a little less and have the trailer “standing” . But also more compact jigs or even jigs for finesse. Ultimately, depending on the time of year, the area we want to fish and the behaviour of the fish we can vary.

Black bass
Black bass in a jig, Manutebass picture

In terms of weights I would generally move between half an ounce and 3/8, as that would cover most of the water layers with enough speed. Of course, if budget allows, tungsten jigs will always be a better option, as they are more compact and go deeper at a higher speed. In terms of colours, Cijara is usually a clear water reservoir, although not as crystal clear as its neighbours García Sola or Orellana might be. I opt for natural colours, which imitate the colour of the crabs at each time of year, although we can give it a more colourful touch if the water has a certain turbidity.

lures for Cíjara
Noisy stickbaits

Although the population of bleaks is not what it used to be, predators got very used to looking “up”, especially black bass and barbels. With rare exceptions, those moments of hunting in which shoals of fish of bearing attacked simultaneously will remain for the memory, nevertheless a stickbait will always be an option to bear in mind.

Cijara’s fish usually have a big mouth in comparison with the body, so we should not be afraid to choose the size (if we think about bass). Walkers from 11 to 13 centimeters will usually be the best option. I prefer models that “splash around” especially if the surface is curly, as they will lift the fish from below. In terms of colours, any imitation bleak will do, although we can opt for both light and dark models in low light.

Vinyl worm, lures for Cíjara
Lures for Cíjara
Vinyl worms

Cíjara’s fish are under a lot of pressure, so vinyl worms should always be headline lures. In the summer months they will always be an excellent choice: with a fine thread, either drop shot, split shot or weightless, depending on the depth and attitude of the fish. Personally, I have found senko type worms in a waky rig or even smaller worms in 3 or 4″ to work very well. However we can also use much longer worms if we fish with a shaky head for example.

As for colours, I return to my theory for a clear water reservoir: natural colours like watermelon, brown, pumpkin are usually a safe bet. However, bleak-type colours or even bright colours such as red can give good results under certain circumstances.

Crankbaits for deep water

In a reservoir with as many kilometers of shore as Cíjara has, the crankbait always has to be an option, especially if we do not have controlled fish. In both cutting and rip rap areas, a crankbait hitting the rocks with its shovel will trigger bites at almost any time of the year. Besides, we can use them with any predator: black bass, zander, pike, iberian barbel… so it is a very versatile lure.

Predator Cíjara
Nice iberian barbel in a crankbait

I have had days in which I saw many fishes, and after throwing them all type of vinyls without success, I have caught fish with crankbait. Of course, the opposite can also happen, but I recommend you to give it a chance frequently. As the reservoir is usually quite steep, I usually bet on models that go down between 3 and 6 meters. The colours are of the bleak or crawfish type, to the taste of the consumer (or rather to the taste of the fish) and with that striking touch when the waters are turbid.

Guadiana’s top lures

Despite the diversity of environments that can be found along the sections of the Guadiana River and its tributaries mentioned in the tables of Guadiana, I’ve decided to choose theses Guadiana’s top lures. All of them will be productive in multiple circumstances, but once again we will have to adapt to them. As black bass is the most abundant predator, it will be the main target of these lures. However, pike and iberian barbel will not hesitate to attack them either if we put them within their reach.

Guadiana's top lures
Hollow frogs

There are several species of frogs that naturally inhabit these ecosystems and are part of the diet of these predators. Beyond the similarity that lures may have with the frogs themselves, it is their versatility that is key. Their ability to work in areas where it would be impossible to fish with other lures is the main reason for choosing them. We can use both vinyl frogs and “rubber” frogs or other floating material. I preffer “hollow” frogs due to their resistance that will offer us the best results most of the time.

It’s very important that we use them properly. It doesn’t make much sense to throw a frog in the middle of the pond, although sometimes we can have catches that way too. Usually they work better the thicker the cover is, since many times the fish are lying down or just resting, and this lure passing over them causes the bites.

Guadiana's top lures

It is also important that we master the “skipping” casting technique. Only this way we will be able to accede to the interior of submerged trees suitably, or to introduce the lure under the vegetation of bank (brambles, trees or bushes), to achieve that it is posed where the fish are many times. Fishing with them among water lilies is also an exciting fishing… Sometimes we have big extensions of water lilies and we do not know very well which one to cast… The experience will help us to select the casts according to the irregularities of the cover or the bottom.

As far as colours are concerned, the black ones work very well at dawn and at dusk, and for the rest of the time I usually use more natural colours depending on the level of turbidity of the waters.

Jig. Guadiana’s top lures
Guadiana's top lures
Punch weight

If I could only bring one lure to fish in the river, this would be the jig, for me one of the best Guadiana’s top lures. To fish in an environment with so much coverage the ideal is to use flipping jigs since football jigs penetrate worse. Another very interesting option is to use punch weights, which allow us to penetrate it even better.

Winter bass
On the other hand, sometimes it is better to go down to 1/4 so that they take it better…

In terms of size, half an ounce is the most versatile, but if the pond we are going to fish in has very thick cover, we will have to go up to 3/4 or even 1 ounce. It is very important, as with the frogs, to use a powerful rod (heavy at least) and a good braid since many times we will need to literally “pull” the fish out of the cover.

flipping jig
Jig with a craw trailer, Guadiana’s top lures

As for the type of trailer, the river waters are usually murky, so I would go for vinyl that emits quite a bit of vibration. Mainly crawfish, although we can also use creatures, grubs or even fish shaped vinyls. There are mythical colors like PB&J or black and blue, but the ideal is to imitate the color of the crawfish or the prey fish that the match the hatch fish are eating. If the water is turbid we will try to give it a solid or striking touch, and if it is clearer a more natural or translucent touch.

Guadiana's top lures
Black bass in a table of Guadiana

If we are not very clear about where the fish are located, and the river table we are going to fish is quite open, the spinnerbait is going to help us a lot to locate the fish. Nowadays fishes feed both on bleak and crawfish so I decided to select 2 lures to fish the covers and other 2 to fish in more open areas.

The big advantage of the spinner is that we can cover a lot of water in a short time and get an idea of the location of the fish. Are they near the shores? Near the underwater vegetation? Near fallen trees in the middle of the river?  Once we have bites, we can decide whether to continue fishing with spinner or to change to another lure more suitable for that situation.

spinnerbait with a soft trailer, Guadiana’s top lures

Besides, not having treble hooks allows us to fish in moderately entangled areas. Also the vibration will help the fish to locate the lure, especially in turbid waters. The white / chartreuse colour is very versatile, but it will be convenient to make adjustments according to the color of the water, as always. I usually use half an ounce and spinner with “little body” so they can better penetrate between the gaps in the cover.

Hard swimbait. Guadiana’s top lures
Guadiana's top lures
Hard swimbaits

Finally, and if we focus on the search for big bass or pike, the hard swimbait is a very good option. We can’t forget its limitations in environments with a lot of coverage and hooks… But if the board is full of bleak we should give it a try. Casts parallel to submerged trees, vegetation or any other type of cover will give us the best results, always working at the right speed.

There are some models that have interchangeable tails, which we can attach according to the color of the water. In some models we can even replace the rubber tail with a paddle. Although we can use it all year round, it is a lure that works especially well in spring, but also during autumn. In my opinion, it is more productive to use it on tables with not very turbid waters and natural colours… However, on certain days, and especially if we’re looking for pike, bright colours can also bring us great joy.

Alange’s top lures

Alange lake was always famous for its great pike, however in recent years it’s easier to get hold of a good barbel or quality black bass than a great pike. Below I show you the best lures for Alange based on my experience, mainly focused on these 3 predators.

Hard jerkbait

lures for AlangeHard jerkbait, once again, is a versatile lure that we can use in almost any scenario. The abundance of bleak in Alange lake makes it an even more interesting option. I like to work it very quickly from the post-spawn to trigger the reaction bites. Barbels, pike and black bass, any of the 3 predators can be caught with this lure.

black bass Alange
Black bass in a hard jerkbait

Sometimes, I even use floating models to get rid of weeds or stones more easily. As the water gets colder, the suspending jerkbait becomes the headline, as it allows me to make stops of different duration. In terms of colours, Alange is not usually a reservoir that stands out for the clarity of its waters, so I usually opt for solid colours. Imitations of bleak, barbel or crucian carp will always be a safe bet, being able to choose more striking colors if the water is specially murky.

Crankbait, lures for Alange

This reservoir is not characterized by a high density of fish. Sweeping water with a crankbait will often be the best option to locate them. Alange is a reservoir in which the fish are not particularly suspicious, and although they can of course reject it, they will often take the crankbait without any problems.

crankbait firetigerSince there are both crawfish and bleak, we can pull imitations of both, although always with an eye on the color of the water. In turbid waters, brighter colours, both red and firetiger type can work well. As the reservoir is quite deep on most of its banks, it is usually not necessary to use very deep cranks, unless we are going for suspending fish. Squarebills and midwater cranks are usually sufficient, as long as the fish are near the shore.

Vinyl shad
black bass Alange
Big bass in a vinyl shad

If we want to fish deeper, both barbels and pikes, the vinyl shad is a guarantee of success. Barbels in this reservoir are really aggressive, triggering bites that sometimes take the rod out of your hands. A good echo sounder and knowledge of friendly areas are key to improving the results with this kind of fishing.

vinyl shadIf the main target are barbels, I prefer to use medium sized shads (4″ or 5″), but if I go for pike I can go up to 6″ or 7″ without problems. We can fish dragging on the bottom, let it come down and retrieve it to a certain depth, or even fish vertically without moving the lure at all. It all depends on the attitude we see in the fish, many times a slow retrieveng from the bottom to the surface can also trigger bites. As far as colours are concerned, I prefer imitations of barbels or bleaks, sometimes with a chartreuse touch if visibility is low.

Vinyl worm, lures for Alange

We are in a reservoir where the waters get very hot in summer, and where medium sized fish are also abundant. So the vinyl worm cannot be missed. We can fish by dropshot if the fish are very deep, by split shot if they are half water or weightless if they are on the same shore or very shalow. In addition, the abundance of weed makes a worm falling slowly among them a very appetizing morsel.

lures for AlangeIn terms of sizes and colours there is something for everyone, however here are my favourite options. If I go fishing without weight, I prefer “senko” worms for waky rig. For split shot fishing, I like worms with a vibrating tail like U-tail, C-tail or similar, so that the fish can locate them from distance. For dropshot fishing, we can use either small 3″ or 4″, even small vinyl shads without paddle tail. The colours will vary depending on the turbidity of the water.

I hope that these tips have been useful and can help you to have better results in future journeys.

Alcántara’s top lures

Alcántara lake is probably the reservoir in Extremadura where I’ve spent the most time. I have not caught my biggest fish in it, but it is probably the reservoir where I have been able to learn more about fishing. It is a very big reservoir, from the dam to Serradilla bridge there are 65 km in a straight line… So we will find very different fishing situations even in the same day. Within the great variety of lures we can use, I show you below the best lures for Alcántara, in my humble opinion.

4 pounder Alcantara
Big bass Alcantara

Having an open mind is perhaps more important in Alcantara than in any other reservoir. We will be able to catch fish with different lures at the same time, but small details will make the difference in terms of size. It is a reservoir with usually clear waters in winter and spring, but quite murky in summer and autumn due to the proliferation of algae in suspension. Due to this turbidity, I’m going to choose “power fishing” lures, since fish here are not usually as suspicious as in other reservoirs.

Topwater, lures for Alcántara
topwater Alcantara
This kind of lures are really top

It’s probably not the kind of lure we’ll use the most, but if we want to catch big fish, we must never forget it. Bleak populations continue to grow, and although Alcantara has been and continues to be a reservoir of many crawfish, bleak is becoming more important in the fish’s diet year after year. We can use it practically at any time of the year, with prespawn and autumn being the best times.

Alcántara may be a reservoir where it is not so important to be close to the sunrise and sunset to use topwater lures… At least I’ve had quite a few catches with him during the central hours of the day as well. As for the colour, once again natural and translucent colours with clear waters and more solid colours in turbid waters. White is a color that works very well when the water is murky. As for size, I usually move between 100 and 130mm, depending on the aggressiveness of the fish.

top lures Alcantara
A trailer hook could help to increase effectiveness

The spinnerbait is a lure that will not only help us locate fish but we can catch many fish with it throughout the day. We can use it “slow rolling” close to the bottom when the fish are apathetic. But also fast and practically at surface level when they are aggressive. Unless we are fishing in areas with many trees, I usually use a trailer hook and most of times putting a vinyl trailer on them.

As far as colours are concerned, white is usually the headline, with some chartreuse skirts when the water is a bit murky or other greys, greens and blacks when it is clear. We do not need to constantly scratch the bottom with it, but it is important to let it go down enough for the fish to catch it better. And finally I advise you to cast parallel or diagonal to the shore, but never perpendicular… If you don’t want to lose a good bunch of spinners on the slates!

Chatterbait, lures for Alcántara
top lures Alcantara
With clear water and fish eating craw, a great combination.

The chatterbait or bladed jig is one of the lures that has given me the best results in this reservoir. Especially in terms of the quality of the fish, because there are days that the fish eat “equally” a jerk, a crank, a spinner or a chatter, but the chatter often gives the biggest fish. Ideally it works better with a little wind, although there are days when the reservoir was “plate” and the catches have followed suit. As for the trailer, both the crawfish and the paddle tail have worked well for me.

With this lure I have managed to catch pike, barbel, bass, catfish and zander in the same day, so it is a very versatile lure. As for colors, brown, pumpkin and occasionally white are my favorites. However when the water is murky, and in Alcantara there are times when it is really murky, the choice of colour is perhaps more a matter of confidence. In this case, I would always go for solid colours. As in the spinnerbait, for me the most versatile size is half an ounce, but sometimes 3/8 works better, specially when fish are really close to the bank.

Crankbait, lures for Alcántara
lures for Alcántara
Crawfish color crankbait… just deadly

It’s probably the lure I’ve thrown into the water the most times in this reservoir, and perhaps also the most effective, in terms of number of catches. Of course, we can also catch big fish with it, but I usually use it when I’m looking for quantity, or when I’m not getting results with other lures. We can use anything from squarebills that barely go deep to big cranks that go 6 meters deep, depending on how deep we think the fish are. I usually bet on intermediate models, which work at about 3 or 4 meters.

black bass post spawner
Crankbait + steep banks = success

There is one detail that is important to me in this reservoir and that is the body of the crankbait. As it is a reservoir where medium sized fish are very abundant, crankbaits with little body have always been better for me. It does not take away that in certain occasions we bet for more “bulky” models, but always if we are looking for big fish. As far as colours are concerned, both the bleak and the crawfish imitations have worked very well for me. But I also take into account the turbidity of the water, using translucent colors if they are clear and changing to solid colors if they are turbid.