Alcántara’s top lures

Alcántara lake is probably the reservoir in Extremadura where I’ve spent the most time. I have not caught my biggest fish in it, but it is probably the reservoir where I have been able to learn more about fishing. It is a very big reservoir, from the dam to Serradilla bridge there are 65 km in a straight line… So we will find very different fishing situations even in the same day. Within the great variety of lures we can use, I show you below the best lures for Alcántara, in my humble opinion.

4 pounder Alcantara
Big bass Alcantara

Having an open mind is perhaps more important in Alcantara than in any other reservoir. We will be able to catch fish with different lures at the same time, but small details will make the difference in terms of size. It is a reservoir with usually clear waters in winter and spring, but quite murky in summer and autumn due to the proliferation of algae in suspension. Due to this turbidity, I’m going to choose “power fishing” lures, since fish here are not usually as suspicious as in other reservoirs.

Topwater, lures for Alcántara
topwater Alcantara
This kind of lures are really top

It’s probably not the kind of lure we’ll use the most, but if we want to catch big fish, we must never forget it. Bleak populations continue to grow, and although Alcantara has been and continues to be a reservoir of many crawfish, bleak is becoming more important in the fish’s diet year after year. We can use it practically at any time of the year, with prespawn and autumn being the best times.

Alcántara may be a reservoir where it is not so important to be close to the sunrise and sunset to use topwater lures… At least I’ve had quite a few catches with him during the central hours of the day as well. As for the colour, once again natural and translucent colours with clear waters and more solid colours in turbid waters. White is a color that works very well when the water is murky. As for size, I usually move between 100 and 130mm, depending on the aggressiveness of the fish.

top lures Alcantara
A trailer hook could help to increase effectiveness

The spinnerbait is a lure that will not only help us locate fish but we can catch many fish with it throughout the day. We can use it “slow rolling” close to the bottom when the fish are apathetic. But also fast and practically at surface level when they are aggressive. Unless we are fishing in areas with many trees, I usually use a trailer hook and most of times putting a vinyl trailer on them.

As far as colours are concerned, white is usually the headline, with some chartreuse skirts when the water is a bit murky or other greys, greens and blacks when it is clear. We do not need to constantly scratch the bottom with it, but it is important to let it go down enough for the fish to catch it better. And finally I advise you to cast parallel or diagonal to the shore, but never perpendicular… If you don’t want to lose a good bunch of spinners on the slates!

Chatterbait, lures for Alcántara
top lures Alcantara
With clear water and fish eating craw, a great combination.

The chatterbait or bladed jig is one of the lures that has given me the best results in this reservoir. Especially in terms of the quality of the fish, because there are days that the fish eat “equally” a jerk, a crank, a spinner or a chatter, but the chatter often gives the biggest fish. Ideally it works better with a little wind, although there are days when the reservoir was “plate” and the catches have followed suit. As for the trailer, both the crawfish and the paddle tail have worked well for me.

With this lure I have managed to catch pike, barbel, bass, catfish and zander in the same day, so it is a very versatile lure. As for colors, brown, pumpkin and occasionally white are my favorites. However when the water is murky, and in Alcantara there are times when it is really murky, the choice of colour is perhaps more a matter of confidence. In this case, I would always go for solid colours. As in the spinnerbait, for me the most versatile size is half an ounce, but sometimes 3/8 works better, specially when fish are really close to the bank.

Crankbait, lures for Alcántara
lures for Alcántara
Crawfish color crankbait… just deadly

It’s probably the lure I’ve thrown into the water the most times in this reservoir, and perhaps also the most effective, in terms of number of catches. Of course, we can also catch big fish with it, but I usually use it when I’m looking for quantity, or when I’m not getting results with other lures. We can use anything from squarebills that barely go deep to big cranks that go 6 meters deep, depending on how deep we think the fish are. I usually bet on intermediate models, which work at about 3 or 4 meters.

black bass post spawner
Crankbait + steep banks = success

There is one detail that is important to me in this reservoir and that is the body of the crankbait. As it is a reservoir where medium sized fish are very abundant, crankbaits with little body have always been better for me. It does not take away that in certain occasions we bet for more “bulky” models, but always if we are looking for big fish. As far as colours are concerned, both the bleak and the crawfish imitations have worked very well for me. But I also take into account the turbidity of the water, using translucent colors if they are clear and changing to solid colors if they are turbid.

García Sola top lures

García Sola lake is characterized by really clear waters, which added to the enormous fishing pressure makes it a very difficult reservoir. It is very important to take this into account when choosing lures for Garcia Sola. Only at certain times we will find turbid waters, coinciding with large floods due to high rainfall, usually in spring.

Once again I remember that the choice of the right lure will depend on many factors: time of year, luminosity, presence or not of wind, attitude and depth of the fish… Even so, I share with you the lures that have worked best for me the times I have visited it.

Vinyl craws, lures for Garcia Sola

Whether rigged on a jig, or with a Texas or Free rig, with either a lead or a tungsten, the vinyl craw will give us bites at any time of the year. Being a reservoir with a lot of loose stone and where the bait fish is a bit has been rare in recent years, the craw is one of the main sources of food. A slow and methodical fishing, always in contact with the bottom, will generally give us the best results.

Black bass prespawn
Nice black bass, spring 2024

Although theoretically it is a lure designed for deep fishing, we must keep an open mind, as we can catch fish even really close to the shore. When the level is high, we will find quite a lot of semi-submerged vegetation, an excellent place for predators. The small holes and corridors that form between this vegetation should be our target when fishing with this lure. . Of course, the steps formed in the rock or the rip rap areas are good places, it depends on where the fish are. Whether it’s mounted on a jig or Texan rig, natural colours have worked especially well for me: brown, PB&J, pumpkin… and their variants.


hard jerkbait, lures for Garcia Sola

The jerkbait is one of the most versatile lures, and although theoretically it is a cold water lure, it is another lure with which we can catch fish all year round. Without forgetting that our line will have to be compensated with the size of the hooks, we will try to lower the diameter as much as possible here. I like to fish with fluorocarbon straight since most of the year I fish with suspended jerks but we can also use braided or monofilament.

In winter and early spring I prefer to use larger sizes (11 to 13cm for black bass and pike, 13 to 17 for pike) and as spring progresses reducing the size. Any colour that imitates a minnow is a good option, although we cannot forget about white, especially in cold waters. Although I prefer to fish with suspending jerks, if we want to fish in areas of algae, the floating models also work very well.

Vinyl tubes, lures for Garcia Sola

Vinyl tube
Click on the image to see more vinyls of the prestigious Spanish brand Longasbaits.

Few lures are more effective than an unleaded vinyl tube in the fall. However, we will have to be very patient since it is a slow fishing and we will not be able to cover large extensions… If we are sure that there is an area with quantity of fish, we should invest time in “combing” it with vinyl tubes, as we are sure that we will have bites.

Personally I like models that have a lot of salt incorporated in the vinyl, as they are thrown further and fall faster. And I assure you that waiting for a vinyl tube to go down to 5 or 6 meters can make us desperate if we fish for a long time with them, but there are times when it is the best way to do it. Here we can use a wide range of colors, from bleak colours  to crawfish or sunfish. We can even opt for more striking colors if we want to arouse the aggression of apathetic fish.

Vinyl shad

Black bass Garcia Sola
Black bass in a soft swimbait in February 2024

Just like in the  Orellana’s top lures post, the vinyl shad should also be one of our headliner lures in Sola lake. The bleak population is recovering very fast and a soft swimbait among the bleak balls is often irresistible. Of course we can also use it for deep fishing, either looking for fishes suspended or stuck to the bottom. Black bass, pike or zander, any of them can bite a vinyl shad, we just have to make some adjustments depending on the species.

Once again, like all clear water reservoirs, I usually go for natural colours and white. Translucent colours work very well too and the more striking chartreuse or pink colours can give us very good catches in low light conditions. The shape and size will depend a lot on the species we are looking for, the depth and the time of year. Generally speaking, we will increase the size of the shad in late winter / early spring and decrease it in early summer.

Orellana’s top lures

Orellana lake is one of the reservoirs with the most transparent waters in the region, and this is something that is usually maintained throughout the year. I will now tell you about the Orellana’s top lures according to my experience.

big bass Orellana
Big one with topwater

Due to this, fish are very suspicious and we must choose very carefully our presentations, both lines and lures. Here are my best Orellana’s top lures.

While the choice of lures will depend on the time of year, water temperature, weather conditions… Here are the lures I would never leave at home when I visit Orellana, especially if we start from 0 and if our objective is to catch large fish, always in my humble opinion.

Vinyl shad, Orellana’s top lures

In this reservoir there is a very high density of bleak and fry of other species: black bass, zander, perch… The vinyl shad, therefore, is always going to be one of the best lures for Orellana. In very different sizes, depending on the time of year, the natural colors are the ones that have worked best for me. The baby bass color, bleak color, grey, white and their variants are my favorites.

nice colour for Orellana

Slow or fast retrieves? This will depend on the condition of the fish. Leaded or unleaded? If we want to fish for black bass generally will not need lead, as the waters are very clear and they rise from below. If we want to fish for pike or zander we will have to go to 8, 10, 12 meters or even more… For this we will have to use leaded heads of between 15 and 45 grams, depending on the size of the vinyl and the depth at which we want to fish.

black bass orellana
black bass in a vinyl shad

We should also vary the shape of the shad, depending on the layer of water we are going to fish. Here there are multiple opinions and different tastes… For me, shads with “slim body” and a lot of mobility work well in deep layers for fishing vertically, and in more superficial layers I would prefer more “stubby” models.

Walkers, Orellana’s top lures

Orellana top luresFocused mainly on black bass, (although pikes also love) the walker is a lure that we can use practically any time of the year in these waters, since they do not usually cool down below 10ºC. I usually go for natural colors, but in low light conditions white colors and chartreuses work very well too.

In summer the twilight hours will be the best, but in spring, autumn and winter we can use it practically at any time of day, always with better results on cloudy and windy days.

Big swimbaits

Nice colour for Orellana lakeDue to the large size of the fish in this reservoir, the choice of large swimbaits can help us to select the catches. We can also use them at any time of the year, although probably the prespawn time is when they are most effective with all species.

I’m back to natural colors as my favorites, but in this case as it’s a lure that can awaken the aggressiveness of the fish, different colors can also work. For my taste the “slalom” bait take the lead, although the “wake” bait also works, of course.

Vinyl tube

Orellana top luresIf Orellana is really calm, no matter how much we like hard lures, many times we will have to use vinyl. That’s where the vinyl tube makes the difference for me, whether we want to save the bolo or catch a big specimen that has been reluctant to other presentations. Yamamoto ikas have worked great for me in this reservoir but there are other brands that also make really effective vinyl tubes. By clicking on the image again you can see a large collection of tubes and buy the one you like best.

In my case, I usually go for watermelon, green pumpkin and green pumpkin colors. As I said the waters are very clear and natural colors are usually the ones that work best. However in fishing there are no rules and sometimes there will be times when crab, fish or even bright colors can work better. However, for me an important detail is that the vinyl has a lot of salt, so we can cast it farther and it will go deeper faster.

Fishing lures for Extremadura

Fishing lures for Extremadura
Picture of BO Fishing

The world of fishing lures is very subjective… although there are always some top lures in certain circumstances. In this series of posts, I will include the best fishing lures for Extremadura, adapted to each reservoir. Besides there are so many factors on which our choice should depend: time of the year, weather conditions, water conditions, lake where we are, the area of the reservoir where we are… Even in the same day there can be a suitable lure for each time of the day, we can catch fish with 5 or 6 totally different lures in the same day. And here is the charm of fishing, if there were good or bad lures, and of course there are, we would all buy the best ones and that’s it.

In this section I’m going to talk about types of lures: jerkbaits, crankbaits, vinyl worms… then each one who decides which model or brand he likes the most. I hope you have the best possible results for sport fishing in Extremadura.

We often get carried away with “brandism” and forget that the choice of the type of lure is often the key…

Top 10 lures

In each post in this section I will talk about the 4 lures that have worked best for me in each reservoir. However, here I am going to mention the 10 lures that have worked best for me when fishing for predators in general Extremadura.

1. Walker

fishing lures for ExtremaduraEssential lure always, but even more since the arrival of the bleak. We have 2 types of walkers (also called stickbaits), some noisier and others more discreet that we can use in different circumstances. The bigger models will serve us to provoke the pike and big black bass bites. The smaller sizes are especially interesting for barbels and medium sized black bass.

2. Jerkbait


Fundamental lure in prespawn for black bass, pike and zander. There are 3 types: floating, sinking and suspending and we will alternate them according to the attitude of the fish. We can use it all year round, in bigger sizes in prespawn and more measured sizes in postspawn with black bass, pike and zander. When the barbels are aggressive, the small sizes between 7 and 10 cm work really well.

3. Crankbait

fishing lures for ExtremaduraOff-road lure that can be used all year round with all predators. It is a very versatile lure and depending on the length of the blade it can go down from the most superficial layers up to 6 or 7 meters. Very useful when we want to “sweep” the shore and we don’t have very clear where the fish are. Besides, its versatility allows us to catch several species with it in the same day.

4. Swimbait

swimbaitSelective lure that we will use mainly to look for record size black bass or for pike when they are near the shore. We can use moderate sizes (between 13 and 18 cm) but also really big swimbaits (between 20 and 30 cm). It all depends on the attitude of the fish and it is never too much to try them out, as they may have some surprises in store for us.

5. Spinner bait, fishing lures for Extremadura

fishing lures for ExtremaduraAnother all-terrain lure that we can use at any time of the year, especially on windy days to locate fish. When the fish are active, we can retrieve it halfway through, but when they are not very busy, a slow rolling retrieve close to the bottom can give bites when other lures do not. It will work mainly with black bass, pike and zander.

6. Chatter bait

bladed jigLure similar to the spinnerbait that will allow us to cover a lot of water and very fast and that can be deadly when the fish are active. Like the spinner we can use it with all the predators, including the barbel. It has a different action from the spinner, emitting very strong vibrations and going deeper faster than the spinner bait.

7. Hollow frogs, fishing lures for Extremadura

hollow frogThis lure is also usually selective and will allow us to move large fish, or cast where others could not work in tangled areas. We will mainly use them with black bass, although in areas of algae or vegetation we can also use them with pike. Its great strength is that we can introduce it in areas with a lot of coverage avoiding to a great extent the hooks.

8. Jig

fishing lures for ExtremaduraFundamental lure in reservoirs with abundance of crawfish, very versatile and that we will be able to use at very different depths. There are lead and tungsten ones, the latter being denser, going deeper earlier and offering a more discreet profile. We can use it to “sweep” the bottom with football type heads or to penetrate the cover with sharper “pitching type” heads.

9. Shad or pikie

vinyl shadIn large sizes a main lure for fishing pike and large black bass. We can use it with multiple rigs, from an unleaded rig to fish practically on the surface to with 30 or 40 gram leaded heads. In more moderate sizes it will work very well with barbels and zander, and we can also use it all year round.

10. Vinyls, fishing lures for Extremadura

vinyl tube, grub and wormCrawfish, tubes, worms, creatures… There is an infinity of vinyl, each one of them adapted to different situations. Nowadays it is essential to take vinyls in our outings, to be able to deal with apathetic or very pressed fish. There are countless montages: unleaded texas, leaded texas, split shot, drop shot, shakey head, neko rig… And almost all of them are necessary under certain conditions.

Fishing lures for Extremadura… Miracles doesn’t exist!

Soft lures Extremadura
Señuelos de vinilo, BO Fishing

The reality is that there are no better or worse lures, but there are lures better or worse adapted to each moment, time, place… In this menu I will talk about the lures that work best, in very general lines for each reservoir, writing posts periodically. Of course, always based on personal experiences, both mine and my fishing partners, of which we can consider top lures. I hope you don’t blame me when you do “zero”… It happens to me very often!😂😂😂

Hard lures Extremadura
Señuelos duros, BO Fishing

And I repeat again, not because I put in a post that in Alcántara they bite with “pikie” or in Orellana with “walker” are always going to be the best options, far from it… I simply want to give some basic notions of where to start to those who have not had the opportunity to fish in a particular lake. And perhaps also encourage you to try lures that you would not have tried in any reservoir… I hope you find it interesting!

Good fishing!